Click a topic such us azure, for project links.
chat-ai Go app to chat with Gemini (VertexAI) and ChatGPT (OpenAI)
gofileai Go app to transform text files into AI-powered reviews
github-openai OpenAI (ChatGPT) integration with GitHub
azure-b2c Deploy Azure B2C tenant
aks-with-firewall Azure AKS behind Azure Firewall
aks-vm-vnet-peering Private AKS cluster, access over VM
node-pool-upgrader AKS Node Pools upgrader
aks-aad AKS behind Azure Active Directory
az-functions-golang Azure Functions - Golang function example
azure-iot-hub Azure IoT Hub via terraform
cosmosdb-mongodb Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB
azure-vm-behind-lb VM behind Azure LB
simple-web-server simple Go http web server
gows WebSocket implementation in Go
azure-rg-go Manage Azure Resource Groups using azure-sdk-for-go
webshell simple webshell. works in docker.
redis-client simple redis client
url-shortener Simple url-shortener
azure_blob azure sdk for golang - use blob storage
gke-nodes-timezone GKE Nodes timezone configurator
ce-vpc-peering GCP VPC peering
gcp-load-balancing Expose service running on GKE over ext LB using ingress with internal LB
xrdp-gcp-ce GCP Compute Engine (VM) with enabled xrdp
go-chat-app go chat app
shell-executor shell in a box
chat-ai Go app to chat with Gemini (VertexAI) and ChatGPT (OpenAI)
gofileai Go app to transform text files into AI-powered reviews
github-openai OpenAI (ChatGPT) integration with GitHub
gopass go data/password encryptor
colorize golang colors
honeypot ssh honeypot
go-bot golang bot
github-c2 pull files from a github repository
gows WebSocket implementation in Go
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